
Sprint Torque

Sprint Torque

“Can’t Fake Tough” Campaign

With an enhanced network and faster speeds, Sprint needed to alert their audience that they were indeed “pushing the boundaries” of push-to-talk by introducing the most capable not to mention toughest smart phone on the planet. The Kyocera Torque.

Featuring a social and rich media "Torque Testitute" video campaign, OOH, OLA, print and DM we watched new customer acquisition grow over 34%. The overall Sprint Direct Connect platform continued to grow quarter over quarter led by a 95% increase in orders.

Cement Block Direct Mail  What better way to showcase the durability and utter indestructibility of the Torque then burying it inside a block of cement and allowing the consumer to break it open and make a call.

Cement Block Direct Mail
What better way to showcase the durability and utter indestructibility of the Torque then burying it inside a block of cement and allowing the consumer to break it open and make a call.